Finishing For The Defence & Electronics Industries
Powder Coating London

Mask-Mat 240


: C & S Processing can offer die cut shapes which can be used for panel and screen protection.

Mask-Mat 240:

A 75um thick polyester material with a low tack adhesive that retains good physical properties over a wide temperature range (-70c to 150c).

It can also be used at temperatures from -250c to 200c when the physical requirements are not as critical. This material is ideal for panel protection when units are required to go through various heat cycle tests.

Mask-Mat 240

Mask-Mat 240

CS Processing Ltd, Unit 18, Red Lion Business Park, Red Lion Road, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 7QD, UK
Tel: 020 8397 5533 - E-mail:

Aerospace Masking - Die Cut Mask-Mat 240 Shapes - Heat Cycle Test Masks - Mask-Mat 240 - Panel Masking - Panel Protection Masking - Temperature Masking